Reception, Year 2 and Secondary School

All children are now in school, full time 🙂
No more half days, private nurseries or different start and end times. Today is a good day!

Our boy looked super smart this morning and I’m so proud of him. He was nervous when he came down to breakfast so a big hug was in order. I still remember the nerves I felt when I started secondary school so I know exactly what he was going through.
Ant took him and his friend in the car but he’ll be going on his bike or the bus from tomorrow. I’m glad he had his friend with him this morning. There’s nothing worse than having to turn up at a new school, on your own, not knowing where to go or what to do.

He looks so grown up 🙂 He’s not impressed with having to wear a tie but I told him he’ll get used to it!
This was his first day at Junior School –
he was happy to be going, honest… we just didn’t capture a smile on camera!…..
And here he is starting Reception class…..
He was sooo cute!

Ella was really excited and ran in the classroom when the door opened. The kids were sitting on the floor but Ella ran off to the cloakroom to put her coat and bag away. I had to fetch her back and tell her to sit on the carpet until Mrs W was ready to show them where their pegs were.
I gave her wave and told her I’d see her later and went off to find KayCee’s classroom. Ella didn’t bat an eyelid, she waved and then forgot I was even there!

KayCee had a little panic because she wasn’t sure where her classroom was but I told her to calm down and if we didn’t find it, we’d go and ask at reception.
We found it, although she was the last one in! She didn’t even say goodbye!

I went to join the queue at reception to pay for the after school dance classes the girl’s are going to and for KayCee’s piano lessons then came home for a lovely coffee and slice of toast before I blitz the house.
It’s probably going to take me most of the day but it’s going to be so nice not being followed round by little people making a mess as soon as it’s tidy!

I love my babies and can’t wait to hear all about their day when they get home tonight 🙂

I hope everyone has a great day and it wasn’t too traumatic for the parents and little ones who were starting school for the first time today xx